Simple Yet Effective TikTok Ideas Every Blogger Can Use Today

Being a blogger is easy, but becoming a successful blogger isn’t a piece of cake! Though you are an expert at writing compelling posts, you must be aware of cross-promotion to bring in more traffic to your blogs and make yourself a popular blogger. TikTok is a powerful platform for doing that! 

With its visually appealing content format and viral nature algorithm, you can reach millions of people with a little effort in the right direction. Furthermore, choose to buy real TikTok views to make your growth journey effortless. Ready to reap the rewards of TikTok presence for your blogging career? Here are some simple yet effective TikTok ideas every blogger can use today!

Behind-the-Scenes Content 

One of the easiest and most engaging types of content you can create is behind the scenes. Yes, we mean it! People love to get a sneak peek into the life of a blogger. Taking this as an opportunity, show your followers what goes into writing a blog post, brainstorming ideas, drafting, editing, or even just your workspace setup. This type of content humanizes your presence, adds a personal touch, and makes your followers feel more connected to you. 

Answer FAQs About Blogging

Every blogger receives questions from their readers through multiple resources, such as comment sections, email, or social media. Why not turn these FAQs into TikTok content? Through TikTok videos, answer common questions in short and give value to your audience while showcasing your expertise. This will greatly impress your current followers and also attract new viewers who are interested in your niche.

Share Personal Stories 

People connect with stories, and TikTok is the perfect platform to share them. It can be anything about how you started your blog, a personal challenge you have overcome, or a funny incident related to your niche without intruding on your privacy. Whatever it is, sharing personal stories can make your content more relatable and connect with your audience on a deeper level. 

Highlight Blog Successes 

No matter how small it is, celebrate the successes and milestones of your blog whenever possible. This allows you to motivate yourself as well as inspire your followers too. Reached a new traffic goal? Published a significant number of posts? Achieved a personal accomplishment through your blog? Don’t keep it to yourself! Let the world know how your blogging journey is. This way, you can get new followers for your blog, too!

Run Contests or Giveaways 

Who doesn’t love free stuff? If you are serious about your blogging success, run a contest or giveaway on TikTok to increase engagement and attract new followers. Make sure the prize is related to your blog’s niche so that you can reach the right audience. No idea how to get started? Announce a giveaway in a TikTok video, ask viewers to follow your account, like the video, and visit your blog to enter. 

Share Tips and Tricks 

As a blogger, you may have a wealth of knowledge in your niche and others, too. With the resources you come across every day, share any tips and tricks related to your blog’s topic. These videos are easy to create and can be very effective in attracting viewers who are passionate about a particular topic. Moreover, you can create a series of short TikTok videos where you share one or more tips per video. For example, if you blog about photography, create a quick video on how to find the best lighting for outdoor shots. 

Repurpose Blog Content 

One of the easiest ways to create TikTok content is by repurposing your existing blog content. All you have to do is take core concepts or important points from a popular blog post and transform them into a TikTok video. This is a smart way to give new life to older content while reaching a different audience on a new platform. For example, if you have a blog post titled ‘10 Healthy Snack Ideas for Busy People’, create a TikTok video to explain a few of those snacks. Additionally, leverage TikScoop to expand your reach and gain more viewers for your videos organically. 

Summing It Up 

And here you go! These are some of the simple TikTok ideas that every blogger belonging to a diverse niche can try today. You aren’t limited to these ideas. There are tons of ideas to share and plenty of ways to win the hearts of the TikTok audience. So, explore the platform, experiment with different ideas, and expand your digital presence successfully. Happy Creating!